It contains symbols for decimal separator, percent character, and so forth. 它包含了十进制分隔符,百分比字符等等之类的符号。
More than a third of respondents said they believed that teachers gave higher marks to children with attractive names and 70 percent of people said they would pass judgment about a person's lifestyle and character based on their name. 超过三分之一的受访者认为老师在打分时往往会偏向那些名字好听的孩子,70%的人说他们会依据一个人的名字来判断他的生活方式和性格。
Not only did we figure out a way to describe how we quantify it, but we've also quantified how we tell the difference between covalent and ionic, and percent ionic character. 我们不仅想出了一个办法来描述,我们如何定量它,而且我们也定义,我们如何分辨共价性和离子性,以及离子百分数。
And, he came up with a relationship to calculate the percent ionic character. 他想到一个办法,来计算每个离子化成分。
On the basis of area geological background, the distribution pattern of sedimentary microfacies in the Chang-2 oil-bearing beds is distinguished by the analysis of geology facies, logging facies, sandstone thickness and sandstone percent and other sedimentary character. 在区域沉积背景的基础上,结合地质特征和测井相分析,对砂体厚度及砂地比值在平面上的分布规律进行了综合分析,判别了沉积微相在平面上的分布格局。